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Use a code on book purchase for a $5 discount & create a $5 per book donation to:
Red River Historical Society (HISTORY)
Red River Community House (HOUSE)
Red River Library (BOOK)
Red River Valley Charter School (SCHOOL)
Red River Off Road (TRAILS)
Wheeler Peak Fire District (WHEELER)
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Books will be shipped for approximate two week delivery directly from Amazon Publishing.  We take checks!!  Increase units desired at checkout if you are using a Red River fundraising code, order 1 unit first, add to cart, and increase quantity desired there)!  



8.5x11, soft cover book of 160 pages (1 lbs. 3oz.),

-over 400 postcard views of Red River Valley, through the years,

-40 back side messages (they read like notes from your own family),

-several 1950-70s commercial flyers promoting the area,

-added photos from long time valley residents,

-40 historic video views and memories of the tourist industry pioneers describing the early years as a resort (these will be viewable using a QR code link and will be downloadable or available on a CD which will be listed separately) including the original RRSA promo movie, views from Powder Puff, and archived 8mm film, and a small sample of music that echoed thru the valley 50 years ago.

-Added notes from the Taos News and books by the pioneers,

-notes from the author.


For more info contact me at, a message via this web store or at my Facebook page, Red River Dreams.

$5 OFF Fund Raiser- "Rainbows & Echoes" Printed Postcard Book


    ......Come Visit Red River City 8750

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